Bootcamp | FAQs

1. Can non-students participate in the program (i.e. recent graduates who're unemployed due to COVID-19)?


2. What is the process for team formation going to be like for students who apply individually? Will those without teams be allowed to pitch ideas at the beginning of the boot camp and form teams afterwards?

Pre-formed teams will post their general problem/solution that they are working on and if they would like additional team members. If so, individuals without a team can "apply" to join that team. If individuals are left without a team, then all these individuals can choose to work together. We will coordinate this via slack.

3. Is there an interdisciplinary requirement for teams (i.e certain number of disciplines necessary among team members)?


4. Is there a formal deadline by which student's need to apply?

Yes - May 4th

5. What is the estimated per-week commitment for this program? If this is too general a question, can you instead just elaborate on how many mentoring/workshop sessions are likely to take place each week and whether there's flexibility in attending these?

This is variable. There is a Kickoff meeting at the very beginning (required), a weekly intro meeting and wrap up meeting on zoom each week (optional). There will also be sporadic Q/A or FAQ time with mentors via slack or zoom that is optional. At the end of each week there is a deliverable (short 1 page summary) and FAQ session with 1-2 mentors where teams will present their work and receive feedback (highly recommended). At the end of the 4 weeks, there is a pitch event (required).

6. How will the mentors be assigned to the teams? Will they pick the specific problem for us to work on or guide us based on anything we think of?

Team members are required to select the specific problem they wish to work with, from either prior experience/work or leveraging procured problems from hackathons like MIT or JHU hackathons. The Sling Health Bootcamp will prioritize problems that will have a lasting impact on COVID related problems, such as those that will effect health care for years to come as we return to our normal lives and ramp-up the economy/health care system. Mentors will be paired to teams based on expertise required for that team

7. What is the expected weekly workload associated with this bootcamp, and how will the final report / presentation work at the end?

For each week, there will be about 2 hours of required meetings with mentors / leadership, and the rest of each week is up to the team. The more work put towards the projects will result in a greater experience and results for the team members involved.

8. How will this take place virtually?

Using Slack and Zoom